Now accepting entries for the Prix Cohésion et Solidarité Lémanique!

Now accepting entries for the Prix Cohésion et Solidarité Lémanique!

Entries for the Prix Cohésion & Solidarité Lémanique (Lake Geneva Cohesion and Solidarity Award), sponsored by the Lake Geneva Council and with a total prize money of CHF 20,000 to be shared among five winners, can be submitted from now until 27 September 2023. The award acknowledges the expertise and innovative spirit found in all four corners of the Lake Geneva region. A great occasion to shine the spotlight on initiatives in Valais: now over to you!

The Lake Geneva region, stretching from the Alps in Valais to the foothills of the Jura in Ain, is a fertile breeding ground for innovation and has plenty to offer where economic appeal and competitive framework conditions are concerned, making it a region of excellence in many sectors. Now in its third year, the Prix Cohésion & Solidarité Lémanique rewards local initiatives in each area in recognition of their exemplary achievements.

I want to enter!

To be eligible, initiatives must be able to demonstrate genuine initial results and have added value to the region through technological, societal or organisational innovation.

The winners will be invited to meet the institutional representatives of the Lake Geneva Council at the award ceremony in Bourg-en-Bresse (Ain) on 1 December 2023.


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