An organisation made to serve entrepreneurs

Economic Promotion Valais brings together the expertise of six partners: the Office for Economy, Tourism and Innovation (SETI), CimArk SA, the Centre de Cautionnement et de Financement (CCF), the Regions- und Wirtschaftszentrum Oberwallis AG (RWO), Antenne Région Valais romand and Valais/Wallis Promotion. Each partner makes a specialist contribution for the benefit of entrepreneurs. Economic Promotion Valais is supported by a board of directors and an executive board, with each partner being represented on each board. 

Members of the board of directors

  • Christophe Darbellay (Chair) – Cantonal Councillor and Head of the Department of Economy and Education
  • Pierre-Yves Bonvin – Chair of CimArk SA
  • Pascal Perruchoud – Chair of the Centre de Cautionnement et de Financement SA [Centre of Sureties and Finance]
  • Nicole Zenhäusern-Camenisch – Chair of the Regions- und Wirtschaftszentrum Oberwallis AG [Upper Valais Regional and Economic Centre]
  • Philippe Varone – Chair of Antenne Région Valais romand
  • Julien Moulin – Chair of Valais/Wallis Promotion

Members of the executive board

  • Eric Bianco (Managing Director) – Head of the Office of Economy, Tourism and Innovation
  • Helmut Ritz – Deputy Director, Head of the Regional Policy Division
  • Jocelyne Pepin – Head of the Business Division
  • Misaël Ecoeur – Head of the Contact Centre
  • Paul-André Vogel – Managing Director of CimArk SA
  • Jacques Métrailler – Managing Director of Centre de Cautionnement et de Financement SA [Centre of Sureties and Finance]
  • Tamar Hosennen – Managing Director of Regions- und Wirtschaftszentrum Oberwallis AG [Upper Valais Regional and Economic Centre]
  • Grégory Carron – Managing Director of Antenne Région Valais romand
  • Damian Constantin – Managing Director of Valais/Wallis Promotion