Valaisan SME Lugaia rides the wave of success with its niche products

Valaisan SME Lugaia rides the wave of success with its niche products

Since its launch in 2006, Valais-based Lugaia has gone from strength to strength. It has now established itself as a major player in the global market for containment solutions. Company owner Viktor Schnyder explains what makes Lugaia tick and how the company benefits from its location in the Valais.

Lugaia has a history stretching back almost twenty years. “Our company name is derived from the first letters of my three sons’ first names,” explains Viktor Schnyder. “It was already very practical when the company was founded, because the combination of words was practically without competition,” he adds with a laugh. All the internet addresses were still available. And there was never any question of his children, who have all since gone their own ways, joining the company. To this day, the creative name reflects the character of the company, which has always had a family feel and a flat hierarchy.

The core competence of the company, which is based on the Basper industrial estate in Raron, lies in the provision of so-called ‘containment’ solutions. Viktor Schnyder explains: “We produce an absolute niche product. When pharmaceutical companies produce very harmful substances, such as anti-cancer drugs, this process involves a certain risk for employees who come into contact with them. We provide solutions to protect people in the pharmaceutical manufacturing process. These range from on-site consultancy to disposable bags and films, including engineering and media production.”

International focus

“At the end of the day, we make our living from consumables,” explains Viktor Schnyder. “Like a coffee machine or a printer model, the technology is provided more or less at cost, while the revenue comes from the consumables that the company produces itself. Demand for such solutions first emerged in the pharmaceutical industry just over 20 years ago and has been growing ever since. When we started the company, we were able to take advantage of the fact that there were no good solutions on the market. Since then, Lugaia has established itself as one of the leading players in the global market.”

“Swiss precision and cutting-edge technology”, says the company’s website. Swissness is very important to Lugaia. “Abroad, where we have many customers, Switzerland is associated with quality. That’s why we always show the Matterhorn at exhibitions” laughs Viktor Schnyder. “It’s a perfect reflection of what the company has to offer.”

“We are internationally oriented. With Lonza, we certainly have a good customer and partner here in the Valais. But we generate most of our sales elsewhere, more than half of them abroad. The most important markets are Europe and North America, which is why Lugaia has established subsidiaries in Germany and the United States.”

More than 40 employees

From the outset, the company has benefited from its location in the Valais. “The people who work for us are very important. They are all from the region. Our employees are very loyal and take part in the thinking process. We work very much as a team and have virtually no staff turnover. That’s a great advantage” says Viktor Schnyder. It’s important to him that everyone pulls in the same direction, which is why team-building events are organised on a regular basis. On the production side, Lugaia has no problem finding new people. That’s despite the company’s growth in recent years: it now employs more than 40 people. The lack of qualified staff is more noticeable in the engineering department, where eight people are employed.

Lugaia’s CEO cites Economic Promotion Valais as another major advantage of the site. He himself sits on the Ark Foundation‘s Commitment Committee as a representative of the business community. “From creation to patents, through projects and collaboration with investors, we have been able to benefit from the coaching of CimArk and, for investments, from the CCF.”

“This is a great advantage that we have here in the Valais and one that others might envy. We are well placed as a location for start-ups. “ In his view, the BioArk technology site in Visp is a driving force for new companies, while Lonza and tourism are the region’s economic engines.

Paving the way for further growth

Viktor Schnyder is satisfied with the company’s development in recent years. ” Overall, we’re doing very well. “Things don’t always run smoothly, and Lugaia has gone through some difficult phases in recent years, such as during the COVID period. The company was not used to this after the constant growth it had experienced since its foundation. Now, with three or four projects in the pipeline, Lugaia is redoubling its efforts and hiring again.

Despite this, Viktor Schnyder is very optimistic about the future. “Following the construction of a new building in Raron and some renovations, including a clean room, we have enough space for the time being,’ he explains. “The foundations for further growth have been laid.

Source: BioArk

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